On a biennial basis, the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) together with NRF-SAASTA and ASTEMI, which constitute the conference planning committee, organise and host a STEMI CoP conference. The conference serves as a platform for engagements in innovative ideas that can be transformed into actions, for sharing of best practices and for collaborative problem-solving around issues pertaining to
STEM education.

As a build-up to the 2021 conference, scheduled to take place from 20 – 22 July 2021, DSI and NRFSAASTA will be hosting virtual workshops in the form of webinars for identified key stakeholders. The webinars will create an opportunity for engagements on the theme of the conference, and for other  robust engagements that will inform and shape the upcoming conference.

The webinar will provide information on the objectives of the community of practice as well as the conference. Areas of collaboration between various stakeholders (e.g. HEIs, professional bodies, and educators) will  be outlined with the main aim to create a culture of science in schools which, amongst others, incorporates STEMI Olympiads and related Competitions. The webinars aim to stimulate interest in
STEM education with particular focus on STEMI Olympiads and related competitions as a vehicle for increasing the STEM pipeline to HEIs and industry.

The conference planning committee hereby invites you to attend and participate in the STEMI Community of Practice webinar session that is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 29 April 2021.

Please kindly ensure that you RSVP by 20 April 2021.

For any questions please do not hesitate to engage Simon Rametse on or Erna Taljaard on

Yours sincerely,
The Conference Planning Team




For more enquiries:

  • Simon Rametse
  • +27 (0)12 392 9343