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Invitation to the Webinar

South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement and the department of science and innovation would like to invite you to participate in a priority area research webinar with the main focus on introducing indigenous knowledge systems into the mainstream economy.

The webinar is intended for academic, science engagement practitioners, traditional knowledge holders, traditional healers, IKS expect, teachers and public.


DATE: 27 January 2021

TIME: 10h50 – 13h00

VENUE: Virtual via Zoom (link to be provided after registration )

RSVP: Click on the Registration Form tab below to register.

Closing Date: 27 January 2021

Limited space is available, hurry and register as soon as possible. Space will be allocated to participants on the first come, first serve basis.

Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) are recognised by the government of South Africa as important in making an impact on the international scientific stage by contributing to leading edge global knowledge. The IKS Policy adopted by the Cabinet in 2004 created an enabling framework to stimulate and strengthen the contribution of indigenous knowledge to national development in the country. The adoption of this policy resulted in significant progress such as the establishment of the National Indigenous Knowledge Systems Office and South African Research Chairs as well as an accredited bachelor’s qualification, which has contributed to human capacity development and knowledge production.

The recent promulgation of the IKS Act 6 of 2019 provides a coherent legislative instrument that will formalise indigenous knowledge as a knowledge domain in its own right, enable developments in this scientific field and pave the way for indigenous knowledge holders to contribute and become part of the mainstream economy, using their own indigenous knowledge. Through these developments, it is envisaged that indigenous knowledge systems would contribute to development through existing and potentially new market segments in the economy. Equally important is the role of education and communication approaches, which will support informed decision-making on IKS-based technologies and their acceptance by the public. NRF|SAASTA will be hosting a webinar to discuss the recent developments in indigenous knowledge systems in South Africa. Led by the country’s top researchers in this field, the main objectives of the webinar will be: 

  • To provide a broad overview of the indigenous knowledge in South Africa and the importance of the recent legislation in the development of the field and for inclusivity;
  • To discuss the commercialisation, state of innovation in indigenous knowledge and potential ‘untapped’ market that will enable its contributing to economy and national development; 
  • To discuss the role of effective communication approaches to enhancing the public perception of indigenous knowledge systems as a strategy to support introduction in the mainstream.




TIME: 10H50 – 13H00


Time Activity Facilitator
10h50 – 11h00 Check-Ins and Welcoming Participants
Keynote Address: Broad Overview of the Indigenous Knowledge System and its potential contribution into the mainstream economy
11h00 – 11h15 Setting the scene on the role of indigenous knowledge systems in the global and local knowledge economies. Dr Mayashree Chinsamy, University of KwaZulu-Natal
11h15 – 11h45 A return to Indigenomics as economies of conscience, medicine, healing and recovery for the 21st century and beyond Dr Fikile Vilakazi,University of KwaZulu-Natal
11h45 – 12h15 Special Address: The value of African Indigenous Astronomy with special reference to the Batswana in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana Dr Motheo Koitsiwe, North West University
12h15 – 12h45 PANELLISTS:
– Dr Fikile Vilakazi, University of KwaZulu Natal
– Dr Motheo Koitsiwe, North West University
12h45 – 13h00 Vote of Thanks and Closing Remarks NRF-SAASTA
Dr Fikile Vilakazi
Dr Mayashree Chinsamy
Dr Motheo Koitsiwe

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