Name: Ms. Tanja Reinhardt



Tanja Reinhardt holds a PhD in Mineralogy from the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany. After a short venture into Computer Science, she worked as the curator of the University of Natal’s Geology Education Museum and was seconded to establish the combined Geology Education Museum and Science & Technology Education Centre at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She currently holds the position as the Science Centre coordinator at STEC@UKZN.

She was one of the major role players in initiating the Umjikelezo We-Science project, a joint venture between museum, science centres and non-profit organisations that takes science to people in rural areas.

Her passion for the geosciences won her 3 awards for “Best workshop: presentation” at the SciFest Africa science festival. In 2019 she was a finalist in the NSTF Award for Communication and Outreach.