NRF-SAASTA aims to popularise science,engineering,technology and innovation and awaken interest in relevant careers
Women have made significant contributions to science from the earliest times. We at NRF-SAASTA take pride and acknowledge women that strive and make a difference in science engagement. This campaign is aimed at celebrating all women that are holding the front and making it happen – we call them our SCIENCE MBOKODOS.

Nompumelelo has more than 15 years local and international experience in Biotech research & development, management and advocacy. She has led a number of strategic agricultural biotech initiatives addressing food security, climate change & poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on small-scale farmer (especially women and youth farmers) empowerment.
Dr. Nompumelelo Obokoh
Plant Molecular Biologist

Cheyeza is part of the Black Science, Technology and Engineering Professionals, an NPO organisation with the aim of advancing black excellence in Science, Engineering, Technology, and innovation. In 2016, she established the BSTEP Student Chapter at Tshwane University of Technology. Where they offered Saturday extra classes in Mathematics and Physical Science to grade 10 and 11 learners.
Cheyeza Mulasi
Studying towards MSc in Nuclear Engineering

Youth development is a main thread in Singathwa Kuli’s vision and mission. Kuli strongly believes that empowering the youth leads to great innovation. Singathwa has supported various youth development organisations, where she saw a gap and co-founded a non-profit organisation that fosters the enjoyment of reading as well critical thinking, and communication skills.
Singathwa Kuli
Research, Innovation and Sustainability Manager

Meet Aviwe Matiwane, a palaeobotanist, who takes us on a journey back in time, before dinosaurs walked the Earth, and tells us about how ancient forests and 260 million-year-old plants formed the coal we know today. She studies the fossils of these ancient forests and is trying to find the best way to name and describe these ancient plants.
Aviwe Matiwane