Solar cooking using sun
The Water Cycle
Stemiflix and chill with CSIR Geophysicist and Microbiologist
SANSA Hermanus
Pioneering solar physics for a South African space weather capability
Understanding your soil, weather and traditional plants
SANSA Hermanus
Pioneering solar physics for a South African space weather capability
Watch More Webinars
- Animals are as good as what they eat – Learn about animals
- STEMI Education: The futuristic relevance of science in a changing world. – STEMI Education
- Indigenous mining and its implication for socioeconomic development of rural communities in SA – Indigenous mining
- Chemical to electrical energy with utilization of citric acid – Chemical to electrical energy
- Our place in the universe – Our place in the universe
- Road dust emission in low income residential areas – air pollution – Air pollutionÂ
- Biobank Platform at the NRF-SAIAB – Biobank Platform
- Metabarcoding – Meta-bar-coding
- Science on my doorstep: What lives in the Keurbooms estuary? – Science on my doorstep
- Access to Water and Sanitation Services: Floods and Droughts linked to Climate Change –Â Access to water and sanitation service
- Digital Wellness: dealing with unhealthy digital wellness such as cyber bulling – Digital Wellness
- Building Resilience in Learners: – Building Resilience in learners
- In Conversation With: The role of OWSD SA NC: Shaping the future – gender equality and equity – Facebook
- Stemiflix and chill with CSIR Geophysicist and Microbiologist –CSIR Geophysicist
- Understanding your soil, weather and traditional plants
- Â
- Pioneering solar physics for a South African space weather capability – Pioneering Solar Physics
- Pioneering solar physics for a South African space weather capability – South African Space Weather
- Exploring the James Web space telescope – The Wide World of Web
- Remote and virtual educational laboratory – online experimentation
- Chemistry grade10 Curriculum based online experiments. Hybrid (live virtual exhibition) – Facebook Page

Ms. Bafedile Kgwadi
Project Coordinator
Email : BM.Kgwadi@saasta.nrf.ac.za
Call : (012) 392 9300

Ms. Brenda Edwards
Project Administrator
Email : BL.Edwards@saasta.nrf.ac.za
Call : (012) 392 9300