Organisation: RebelGroup Advisory Southern Africa
Designation: Senior Consultant
Title: South Africa’s readiness for the hydrogen society from a regulations, standards and certification perspective
Brian North has been working in the Energy field since he graduated with his BSc (Hons) in Chemical Engineering from Queen’s University, Belfast, N Ireland in 1983. He obtained his PhD in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering (Clean Coal Technology) from Wits University in 2013. He has experience in the following fields; Fluidised Bed systems, Hydrogen production, storage and utilisation, Safety, Codes and Standards and the Just Energy Transition. He was invited by the Department of Science and Innovation in 2008 to establish Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Infrastructure at the CSIR. HySA Infrastructure is one of three Centres within the national HySA programme, and is co-hosted by CSIR and North West University. Dr North’s focus within HySA Infrastructure has been Hydrogen Regulations, Codes and Standards.