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ar Events 2006
ar Turtle tracks challenge
track marine turtles
ar Learners on Board
sail on a research vessel
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cartoons and fact sheets
ar Cells
building blocks of life
ar Enzymes
burning fuel in our bodies
ar DNA
blueprints for life
ar Genetics
determining our inheritance
ar Coelacanth
the "extinct" fish
ar Our oceans and seas
discover what lies beneath

what's on in 2006

research vessel FRS Algoa
One of the initiatives offered by ACEP during Biosciences Month was the learners on board initiative, where learners are given the opportunity to experience life at sea and work alongside scientists and ships crew. This experience offers a unique opportunity in South Africa for learners to enrich their knowledge, take part in active learning and gain life experiences beyond the reach of many.

The Calendar of Events for Marine Biosciences Month 2007 will be posted during July 2007, well in advance of the actual focus month, which takes place in August 2007.

The theme for Biosciences Month 2006 was: EXPLORING THE DEEP BLUE. This meant that the focus was on marine science. Activities included competitions, a career booklet, newspaper cartoons, activity sheets, workshops, a trip to Seal Island and shark dissections.

Calendar of events 2006

You can download and print the full calendar of events 2006. The document includes details about the Sea Turtle Project along the north coast of KwaZulu Natal, workshops and activities at the relevant science centres and museums. Download the calendar in Acrobat [PDF]

Marine turtles

These magnificent animals received special attention during Biosciences Month since 2006 was the 'Year of the Turtle'. You can still download some wonderful images and fact sheets on the official website. Customised fact sheets for South Africa were distributed as well.

Win a trip on research vessel

One of the mosy exciting activities during Biosciences Month 2006, was an essay competition organised by the African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP). ACEP was initiated after the discovery of coelacanths off the coast of KwaZulu-Natal by divers, in 2000. The winners of the competition got to sail the high seas. The theme for the competition was to submit an essay on: ”The value of the deep ocean to me and my community”.

Learners on board

The ACEP essay competition was aimed at Grade 11 learners (who do science, maths and/or biology). The winners of the competition spent a few days at sea aboard the research vessel, the FRS Algoa.
