An interactive and informative camp was attended by 56 Grade 11 learners and 13 educators from 14 schools in three provinces where Harmony Gold Mining Company has its operations. The camp, held at Holiday Inn Express in Pretoria from 29 September to 2 October, facilitated learning in topics that are perceived to be challenging for most learners.
Mathematics, Algebra (Equations and Inequalities), including completing the square, deriving the quadratic formula and inequalities together with Euclidian Geometry (theorems on cyclic quadrilaterals), were treated in depth. Physical Science Mechanics (Newton’s Laws of Motion including the Law of Universal Attraction), Hydro Carbons and Electron Configurations were the focus topics for the camp. Harmony is one of the main sponsors of the National Science Olympiad competition. Since 2009 SAASTA, in collaboration with Harmony, have been hosting camps where learners are invited to attend mathematics and physical science tutorials. A number of successful camps have been held in previous years identifying, promoting, and nurturing talent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers. Based on the monitoring and evaluation report, 63% of learners indicated their overall experience at the camp was excellent.
Nkowankowa Circuit Spring Camp
Support from SAASTA over the past years in the Nkowankowa Circuit of the Limpopo Department of Basic Education has seen the Circuit’s results improving from 58% to 82% and placing it third of 24 circuits.
The 2016 SAASTA collaboration camp was held at Hudson Ntsanwisi Secondary School from 3 to 7 October. The camp was attended by 255 learners from eight secondary schools in the circuit. SAASTA provided learners with learning support materials that included pocket-sized Periodic Tables of Elements and Mechanics study manuals .